BBQ Sauce 510g
KSh1,088A great American Classic, our BBQ Original Sauce uses an authentic American gourmet BBQ sauce recipe to ensure the best taste for any backyard barbecue… -
Lite Mayonnaise 887ml
KSh1,401If you are trying reduce the fat in your diet but still want to enjoy the deliciously creamy taste of mayonnaise try American Garden Lite… -
Real Mayonnaise 887ml
KSh1,911An age-old favourite, American Garden Mayonnaise offers the best quality in its segment with an authentic American recipe that makes for a perfectly rich and… -
Pancake Syrup 709ml
KSh1,920American Garden pancake syrup is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Made with 2% maple, this syrup is bound to sweeten your day.… -
Real Mayonnaise – Restaurant Style 3.78Kg
KSh4,626An age-old favourite, American Garden Mayonnaise offers the best quality in its segment with an authentic American recipe that makes for a perfectly rich and…