Caesar Dressing 267ml
KSh714Nothing is to be compared with the authentic flavor of our American Garden creamy Caesar dressing! Simply made with natural ingredients, it will add an… -
Creamy Ranch Dressing 267ml
KSh714Perfect as a salad dressing, but also as a dip for your vegetables and deep fried zuccini sticks, American Garden Creamy Ranch Dressing always offers… -
French Dressing 267ml
KSh714French dressing is a classic among salad dressings that everyone should try on their salad! American Garden French dressing adds a unique taste to your… -
Italian Dressing 267ml
KSh714American Garden Italian dressing contains all the ingredients you need to make your salad recipes exquisite! With its rich texture and taste, this product can… -
Thousand Island Dressing 267ml
KSh714A splash of American Garden Thousand Island Dressing adds a zing into your favorite salads. This staple condiment, sometimes referred to as “cocktail sauce” in… -
Microwave Popcorn – Hot n Spicy 297g
KSh722American Garden Popcorn delivers the ultimate combination of flavor and fun by combining Hot and Spicy together. Spice things up with American Garden Hot n’ Spicy popcorn,… -
Pasta Sauce Mushroom 397g
KSh734American Garden’s mushroom flavored pasta sauce will add a little taste of Italy to your dishes, the American way. Made of all-natural juicy tomatoes, mushrooms… -
Real Mayonnaise 237ml
KSh759An age-old favourite, American Garden Mayonnaise offers the best quality in its segment with an authentic American recipe that makes for a perfectly rich and… -
Spicy Brown Mustard Squeeze 340g
KSh818American Garden’s Spicy Brown Mustard is the perfect addition for your pastrami, roast beef, and a wide range of international cuisines. With its deeper flavour… -
Red Grape Vinegar 946ml
KSh881Incredibly versatile. Red wine vinegar is widely used in cooking but may have other applications as well. It's often an ingredient in salad dressings, marinades, and… -
Lite Mayonnaise 473ml
KSh881If you are trying reduce the fat in your diet but still want to enjoy the deliciously creamy taste of mayonnaise try American Garden Lite… -
Ketchup 1.02kg
KSh979Americans have a long-standing love affair with Ketchup- no meal is complete without it! Made from California vine-ripened tomatoes, and Certified US Grade A our…